Canada is #2 in the World for Entrepreneurship

Did you know that Canada is one of the best places to go to start a new business? Many foreign nationals decide to move to Canada, so they can get a good start, as Canada rates in the #2 spot in the world of early-stage entrepreneurship.

00052The #1 spot is a tie between the United States and Australia. A survey was done by in the UK The Centre for Innovation Studies (THECIS) that showed that Canada is at a higher level than most of the developed countries, including most of the G7 countries.

Canadian Visa Expert is a service to help foreign nationals who want to move to Canada to live and work.

According to a report by GEM Canada in 2014, Canada has the right culture and environment for entrepreneurship, and it is seen as a good career possibility that has amazing possibilities.

Nearly 13% of the 35 million people in Canada are involved in starting their own business, and most of those people are between the ages of 45-64 years.

There are younger residents who are also active in entrepreneurship, but the middle-aged bracket in Canada is quite common and popular for entrepreneurs. Canadian Visa Expert has experience in helping foreign nationals of all ages get moved to Canada.

Many of the country’s new companies have been built by foreign nationals who appreciated the great opportunities in Canada and decided to immigrate there.

Because the government in Canada is looking for more qualified entrepreneurs from other countries, it’s the perfect opportunity for both Canada’s economy and for foreign nationals who have the entrepreneurial mindset. Contact Canadian Visa Expert to get more information on how to get moved to Canada.

Canada is running short on laborers due to many of their old workers retiring, as well as a boom in their current economy. That is why the Canadian government began a new immigration system in 2015 called the Express Entry.


This new system allows foreign workers to get to Canada quickly to take on jobs in occu
pations that are in high demand.

There is also a strong demand for skilled foreign workers to fill thousands of jobs in Canada that companies have not been able to fill with Canadian citizens or permanent residents due to an ongoing labor shortage.

Thus, Canada’s government launched its new Express Entry Canadian immigration system on January 1, 2015, to more efficiently bring tens of thousands of skilled foreign workers to the country to fill jobs in Canada in a range of high-demand occupations.

Canadian Visa Expert understands how to help you get into one of these occupations in Canada, so contact them today!